The Department of Information Technology, commonly referred to as DoIT, designs, builds, procures, implements and supports information systems and technology to help all Westchester County departments and stakeholder agencies operate more effectively and efficiently, and to make information more accessible.
In many ways, DoIT touches every aspect of running an efficient, 21st century government organization, from the computers and phones on our desks to the program brochures we design and the machines they are printed on. Over the past two decades, we have automated nearly every county business function and streamlined processes that were previously manual, labor-intensive tasks. DoIT has generated new revenue and helped contain or reduce costs throughout the county by advancing smart solutions in all areas of operation. The applications, servers and miles of network relied upon by employees to do their jobs and departments to fulfill their missions are built, maintained and upgraded by dedicated DoIT staff day in and day out.
DoIT is a critical partner in the county's efforts to promote a sustainable environment of innovation. The department has a long tradition of success and has established itself as one of the premier government IT agencies in the country, routinely ranking among the “Top 10” digital counties in the U.S. by the Center for Digital Government.
For more information about DoIT, read the DoIT Info Booklet.