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Cybersecurity holds a central position in DoIT's mission, reflecting the imperative of addressing growing threats and ensuring business continuity and resilience. Integrating security into all projects and daily operations underscores the department's commitment to safeguarding County assets and infrastructure.

Why is Cybersecurity Important at Westchester County?

  • It impacts all of us, at home and at work
  • Cybercrime is on the rise and threats are continuously evolving
  • Cybersecurity protects the network, data and assets that we rely on to do our jobs and serve County residents
  • Cybersecurity is everyone’s job: technology & people go hand in hand to ensure a secure and productive work environment

Cybersecurity as Top DoIT Priority

  • Cybersecurity has been one of DoIT’s top strategic priorities for many years
  • Security and risk mitigation are core to DoIT’s mission
  • DoIT has been building up cybersecurity capabilities managed under the Deputy CIO and works closely with our Infrastructure teams (Server/Network)
  • CIO and Deputy CIO are members of the Cybersecurity Task Force created by County Executive Latimer in Aug. 2022 to offer cybersecurity tools and best practices to the County, local municipalities, government entities, nonprofits, small businesses and individuals

Security Strategy

  • Combination of People, Process, Technology
  • Defense in Depth Strategy: A multilayered approach means DoIT is better able to guard against current/future threats
  • DoIT follows the NIST Cybersecurity Framework for Incident Response & Policies